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  13. Ad № 8171405

Апартамент little dunay

(the title may have been auto-translated)
Listing №:
Monthly rent:
2 000 BGN47.62 BGN/ sq. m.

Стария град, Pomorie, region Burgas
Type of lodging:
42 sq. m.
Not last floor
Elevator Near kindergarten Close a bus stop / station Near school Door - keeper / Security Internet Cable / satellite TV Air conditioning Lux With a parking spot Repaired
Updated before 3 days. Valid for 78 days.
Additional information
(the text may have been auto-translated)

Apartment little dunay has been completely renovated, high-class energy-saving equipment and high-class materials were used for the furnishing and the vision of the studio. One room with everything you need.
❗ The announced price is after September 15th, and for the next season it is possible to negotiate the price.
✅ Air conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, induction stove, oven, sofa, coffee machine, TV, wifi.
✅ Within a radius of 150 meters / T market / shops / pharmacies / fruits and vegetables / cafes and restaurants.
✅ The stated price of the monthly rent includes free internet and TV.
✅ Out of season, there are hidden parking spaces behind the building.
✅Building with controlled access and elevator.

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Contact with the publisher
Александър Колибаров
region Burgas, Pomorie, Ропотамо 3
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