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  13. Ad № 8530568

Отдавам под наем магазин

(the title may have been auto-translated)
Listing №:
Monthly rent:
Not specified

Стар град - главна улица, Sozopol, region Burgas
Suitable for:
Shop Office
12 sq. m.
Ground floor
Building type:
In a residential building
WC Air conditioning
Updated yesterday. Valid for 89 days.
Additional information
(the text may have been auto-translated)

I rent a studio - gallery / shop, / for the summer season. The store is located in the old town of Sozopol, the main street Apolonia.
Square footage 10 sq.m. and toilet with sink 2 sq.m.
The store has air conditioning, an external roller blind.
It is suitable for perfumery, jewelry, souvenirs and the like.
The rent is for the entire summer season, with two payment options and is commented on when viewing the store.
The inspection is by appointment, preferably on a Sunday.
I ask agencies not to call me.

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region Burgas, Burgas